The End

For weeks and weeks now, players have been asking us, when is The End coming back? When can we fight the dragon?

Well i am here today to tell you that it has finally come back! We have finished fixing the main problems and are in the process of just retesting everything now!

But… a lot of you guys have forgotten.. the journey you have to take to reach The End portal in the strongholds.

We have been busy working away at the 3 stronghold locations. Some of you have already noticed the strange new structures that have appeared above the strongholds. What are they? What have they done underground? Why can i see and hear terrible things moving just beneath my feet when i approach…?

Be warned, the journey to the end is not for the faint of heart. It is not for the unprepared. I’m sure the challenge it takes players to get there now will make them think twice about going to The End for just a quick visit!

Have fun >:)


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