Sticky Parkour Finale!

I’ve just finished uploading the finale to our Sticky Parkour play through. Will we get to the end and finish this parkour? (of course we can, its the finale after all!) Once again id like to thank everyone for watching,  playing and everyone’s support that has been given! We are super close to 100 subs! I can taste that century! > : D

I got such an amazing response to the last videos question (which resulted in handing out some free cash!) that i’ve decided to do another question related to the finale! So once again if you want 5k bonus cash in game from me /sendmail to archmohaa in game the answer to the follow question.

What monster does add5tar spawn a horde of near the end of the video as we were climbing the redstone machine? He thought it would be a “good idea” to add it to the game (Disclaimer it wasn’t!)

Thanks for watching and thanks for playing!

As always keep digging!


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