Changing Your Minecraft Name

Hey guys!

As many of you probably already know, Mojang are allowing you to change your in game name for free. We want to explain some of the details in regards to this and to answer some of the most commonly asked questions.

We STRONGLY recommend that players DO NOT change their name. While we are doing everything in our power to ensure that you can without losing any of your things (claims, money, chests, plots etc..) There will of course be things out of our hands.

The biggest issue that we can see is Skyblock. If you have a Skyblock island we are unable to change the Skyblock plugin to support name changes. What does this mean? It means if you change your name you will lose your island.

When is it happening?
Mojang will be allowing you to change your name from the 4th of February

How do i change my name and how often?
Go to once the feature is available you will see a change link next to your Minecraft name. You can change your name once every 30 days.

Will banned players suddenly be able to bypass their ban?
Absolutely not! Our core systems & plugins we have developed ourselves have been UUID ready for months now.

What will be effected if i change my name?
For now the only negative impact we cannot prepare for is;
-True Hardcore

In closing, i would just like to say that your name is your identity. Unless you have some really obscene, offensive name or fell asleep on your keyboard when you made your account, you shouldn’t change your name. You’ve spent all this time building up your reputation and identity, it shouldn’t be thrown away so lightly.


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