ATTENTION Creative Plot Donators!!

Attention all of our wonderful and generous donators who have donated for a creative plot!

Mr _Razz_ has created a new toy for all you donators with creative plots to play with. He calls it Build Tools! Now you maybe asking… “Arch what’s Build Tools???” Well to demonstrate a little bit of what’s possible Add5tar and i have made a video showcasing it as well as a small tutorial on how to use it.

Basically it’s a tool you can use to generate all kinds of shapes, frameworks, outlines. It quickly places, replaces, removes blocks & air. It allows you to quickly and easily generate terrain and really cool looking cave systems and a bunch of other things that are too much to even try to list!

Be sure to watch the video and i can’t wait to see all the forum posts and gallery uploads of screenshots of what you have made and what you have used it for.

Big thanks to _Razz_ for making this and all the staff who helped test and iron out the bugs. Thanks also to Add5tar for assisting me with the video!

As always guys, keep on digging (now with ease!!)


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