Survival is 1.9

The rollout continues.  Today the Survival server was updated to Minecraft 1.9.  

All of your builds are still intact, but now you can practice your combat skills against the mobs in survival using shields and the new two-handed combat mechanics.  The new enchants are not available in the admin shop, but are available via villager trading, via chests in the nether (explore at your own risk), and at the /market.

The strongholds traditionally used for accessing the End are closed until further notice.  The admins are working out how best to configure the End for optimal use.  

Also, please be aware that we now have a mining rate limit in place. The number of diamond, lapis, gold, and emerald ores that you can collect below level 30 is limited based on a points-based algorithm.  As you play in survival, your accumulated points go up.  As you mine ores, your points go down.  If you mine too many ores in too short of a time, you are prevented from mining additional ores.  The reason for this limitation is to combat the use of various cheats that let players peek through underground blocks to find ores.  The previous mechanism used to block this sort of exploit is no longer available, and so, for the time being, the mining limitation is in place.  If you encounter this mining rate threshold, please keep in mind that the goal of the threshold is to prevent cheating, not to penalize hardcore, dedicated miners.

Have fun, and, fingers crossed, games, skyblock, and the Hardcore worlds will be running on MC 1.9 soon.

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