Winter Is Coming. (1.9.4 is here!)

Well, winter is finally here in Australia. All you crazy Northerners are having summer but that’s ok, you can all keep the sun for now. I know its been a long time since news of any kind has been posted, we’re still here hard at work. Sadly things have been just moving drastically slower for everyone…. but we finally have some exciting changes happening!

Some of you probably already noticed the new hub. (More of an expansion and slight make over!) This change was to make room for some new things coming very soon! (A new giant sign can be seen… who noticed what it was!!!?) Watch the news for what those things might be! (Comment below if you can guess what one is)

All our servers have now been painstakingly updated to 1.9.4. This allowed some of the other broken plugins and games to be fixed. This includes the reopening of Wasteland, CTFCastle & Skywars! Sadly it also introduced a new bug of infinite spawn eggs…. Hilarity followed but we’ll fix that asap.

CTFFrost and CTFFarm should now be fixed within the next day hopefully so look for them to be reopened!

Anyways that’s all i can give out for now. I’ll start making some random videos again for peoples entertainment. Make suggestions below on anything specific you would like to see or be taught about.

As always guys, keep on digging!


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