2020 has been a crazy year…

Hey everyone!

I’m sure everyone would agree that 2020 has been a completely crazy and unforgettable year (and not necessarily in a good way)!! We’ve all seen so much terrible news around the world and all the horrible things the world has faced  It has been a really difficult year for so many people. On top of all that… we’ll probably never forget the home isolation, masks everywhere, border closures, travel lockdowns… and we all learned how to use this thing called zoom 

But this year also brought some great times to AddstarMC. The home isolation earlier this year brought a massive influx of players (which we very much appreciated!), hopefully giving people some much needed distractions from life. We saw Hardcore reset again, with the upgrade to 1.16 (and many many deaths). The strange world of SkyGrid was also re-launched, for those who like living on the edge! There were several new games added and we also celebrated the server’s 8th birthday!! 

We think it’s time to give back and bring some more smiles to people’s faces โ™ฅ  
There’s a brand new Advent Calendar experience coming to Survival server!

Find Santa hiding around Survival Spawn each day to receive a gift box!

We’ve really changed up the Advent Calendar system this year. Each day you have to find Santa somewhere in Survival Spawn, right click him to open the Advent Calendar. When you click the box for that day, you get to spin a gift wheel to receive one of the gift boxes for that day! The staff team have been insanely busy with Christmas preparations and you won’t want to miss a day with these rewards! Be aware, if you miss a day, you cannot claim rewards from previous days!

edit: Don’t forget, we’re also posting Christmas wishes again this year! Head to the Xmas Wish Hall in Hub and write your wish in a book, then throw it in the hoppers nearby. We’ll then transpose this onto the Wall of Wishes, along with your playerhead!

Merry Christmas everyone! <3

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