We need you……

To vote.

Last month you made us number one on planet minecraft. This month we are number three. That is still an amazing feat considering we are a small 80 slot server but every vote really does count. Did you know the weekly and monthly top voters get bonuses? Help us reach second place again. If we get over 25 votes a day on planet minecraft for the next week……Did somebody say DROP PARTY.

The Market

We have been making a few changes to the market. Allowing fly has really increased sales and opened up all sorts of design ideas. Add5tar has written a new *plugin with more search features making it easier to find items you need and who has the best price. Qw33ty has been doing random spot checks and rewarding those players with stocked shops. Please keep your store stocked, check your prices are between the shop buy/sell price and you will make money and maybe even get a bonus. Remember there are items not available at the admin shop. Take advantage and sell, sell, sell.

*To use the new plugin simply type /ms

Spawn Flag Hunt

Have you noticed the new space next to the bonus room? Have you completed the spawn flag hunt?

Archmohaa has outdone himself once again with a new game that saw players racing around spawn looking for all the flags….The romantic gun….The unmoving Guard…..The bridge….and many more. Although the game is repeatable the prize is only one time. Race your friends or help each other out and have fun finding those flags. 

Till next time Remember that all staff are volunteers, appreciation and manners go a long way…

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