Youtube, QuickSand, Mini Spleef and Mothers Day madness.

Another week and another new game

This week saw the introduction of Quicksand, a last man standing spleef/pvp combination. While watching anvil drop, qw33ty wondered what would happen if we flipped it on it’s head. Armed with a few snowballs, a wooden hoe and stuck in a desert, the concept still somehow works!

We also introduced Mini Spleef, which is a combination of spleef and the ever popular parkour, in a 1v1 situation. It seems popular so keep an eye out, the other spleef may be getting an overhaul in the coming weeks.

It’s Mother’s day tomorrow and with so many amazing builds, it’s going to be hard to decide a winner! Although I think all your Mums must be winners to have such amazing thoughtful children. Be sure to bring them on to see the builds and say hi tomorrow.

Lastly, matjig8 has been helping out with our youtube channel and our first video is up. We are hoping to get some more vids up with tutorials, games and tours of our server. We are loving all the players videos showing off our server. Remember you may advertise your youtube channel once per day.

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