Ender Games Final Date, Endermall Flag Locations & 250 Subs!? :O

Hey guys! How’s everyone going? I’ve been sick last week or two but slowly bouncing back!

The first bit of news i have is something that i dont believe could possibly be true… The Addstar Youtube channel, where i sometimes post helpful videos (though mainly just sillyness!) is getting super close to 250 subs! I can’t believe it! For those of you who enjoy the random weirdness i post, i would like to say a great big thank you, it means so much. I think we’ll hold another super big drop party if we can reach this milestone and host another round of questions & answers. (Be sure to check out the video of the last one which was at 100 subs!) So if you haven’t subbed yet then click that button! Come on i dare you, no wait i DOUBLE DARE YOU! <3

Next, Ive decided that the final date for the Ender Games event is going to be this Sunday (20th September AEST) though.. most likely close the portal Monday ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now some of you may remember that we were suposed to be holding a competition with the Ender Jump game to see who could complete it the fastest. This was sadly abandoned once we realized it wasn’t going to work with saved checkpoints. (Time was only being recorded once you entered the game, regardless if it was from the beginning or a checkpoint) However, ive decided this friday im going to shut the Events server down early, wipe the Ender Jump finished time database and remove saved checkpoints. So for the last two days you can complete the Ender Jump game in one playthrough and see if you can do it the fastest! (Hope you’ve been practising!)

The scoreboard will be back on display at the event spawn world again so you can see live updates of who is winning with what time. The winner once the Event is closed off on Sunday will receive a further 10k in game cash as well as a trophy item he or she can display in survival!

Since Ender Games is finishing soon i thought id make a quick little video showing where all the hidden flags are located in the Endermall. If you haven’t been able to complete it yet, now is your chance to do so!!

Who knew about the money signs? I checked my file and some of the hidden money signs have only been found by a dozen people or so… while others have been found by hundreds.. Im surprised no one has made a forum post trying to collaborate with everybody on trying to get a location on them all! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hopefully i will be recording again this weekend with you guys before the event closes down. Be sure to check the Facebook page and this news feed for the next events being planned (as well as that drop party!)

Until the next time guys, as always, keep on digging!


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