Ender Games 2015!

Finally, after many months the next Addstar event is coming! The below teaser trailer shows off small bits and pieces…

When: This Saturday 22nd August Midday (AEST, can do /servertime in game) The closing date / time will be announced on a later news post (will be at least a few weeks, so you can all get a go!)

Where: Access will be from /hub using either the compass or the South West Portal hut (Next to SG)

Like all past events, their will be HEAPS of prize money to win as well as a special bonus to who ever completes the “Ender Jump” course the fastest on the leaderboards & and a custom trophy item that they can display in survival. Be sure to read any signs around as there maybe some secret bonus money to be won during one of the adventures ;D

This is probably going to be the most prize money ever given out… you dont want to miss out!

As always keep on digging (at least until the event opens up and starts!!!)


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