Happy 8th Birthday AddstarMC!

It was 8 years ago today that qw33ty and I launched the first public incarnation of AddstarMC. At the time, just a small home-hosted server built for our kids, it was a very simple survival server with less than 20 players. The server wasn’t whitelisted but most of the players were invited to join by our kids after playing with them on other servers. Back then the server only had a single world with the (now) iconic survival spawn hut. New players would spawn in a rules room within the survival spawn, minigames were actually in a special designated area within the survival world (crazy right?) and the player “market” was just a bunch of huts you could rent in the survival spawn.

Original survival market stalls

We never in our wildest dreams imagined AddstarMC would become what it is today.. we’ve had some incredible memories and adventures over the years! We’re unbelievably proud of the community we have created!
Thank you to this amazing community for making it so special <3

To celebrate, there will be a special AddstarMC stream this weekend:

  • When: Saturday, August 15th @ 1pm AEST
  • What: Admin shenanigans, games, probably explosions..
  • Where: AddstarMC Twitch channel (and on Discord)

Staff have also been working on a very special birthday hub.. Don’t miss it!

Happy Birthday AddstarMC!

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