The End of Hardcore 1.15

Its happening!! The end of Hardcore 1.15 is coming. But what does that mean? Well “The End” also begins for Hardcore in 1.16!! That’s right. Many have asked over the years, and now its happening.

So when? This Friday 31 Jul 20 at 8pm AEST, Hardcore will be shutting down. Downtime is unknown, but we anticipate a 1 hour outage. (disclaimer: Sometimes things don’t go as planned) So with only a few days left of the current Hardcore worlds, get in there and test your TNT out. Throughout the week you may encounter some additional things to make your life in Hardcore, harder…. (an Admin’s dream)

So what can we expect in 1.16 Hardcore? The End. Dragons. End City’s. But more importantly, better rollbacks when you die. We’ve also implemented some additional rules. The main one is Alt Accts. If you play with an Alt Acct to help your adventure in Hardcore, then it no longer exists. Hardcore will now detect Alt Accts, and blocks them from entering. (Exclusions can be made upon request)

Edit: More information provided in our forums.

So that’s about it for the moment. With Hardcore 1.16 coming soon, it paves the way for all our other servers to be updated. (Thanks to Add5tar for testing being killed by a dragon. Im sure it was on purpose…)

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