Hardcore 1, 2 and 3 News

The time has come!!!

Hardcore 1 and 2 are coming back! On Wed 12Jan22 at 1830hrs (6:30pm) servertime, the reopening of HC1/2 will occur. New beginnings. Fresh start. More cliffs. Deeper caves. More deaths. Yes, that’s right. 1.18 HC has arrived.

The update took a little longer than expected with fixing a few plugins and a few glitches that previously occurred. But we’re happy with the final result, and it’ll be great to see the abundance of “fresh start deaths” again.

Note: In the past, the ban times after a HC death had been significantly reduced for the first few weeks. Not this time. It is a straight up 12hr ban. So make sure you focus in the early stages.

Additionally, with HC1/2 opening, Its time for HC3 to end. This will occur at the same time, so wrap up whatever you are doing by hugging a creeper. There is currently no plans for a new variant of HC3, as our focus will be on the remainder of the server upgrades.

In other server news not much has happened. Hardcore has always been our initial testing ground with plugin updates. So with that now achieved, we can move forward with other server planning. So standby for further.

Good luck on your HC1/2 adventures.

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