Where we are at – 1.11.2 and 1.12

As you maybe aware, its not as simple as flicking a switch and turning AddstarMC into full 1.12 as soon as it is released. We rely on many external plugins, along with our own, that need to be updated.

So where are we at? Overall, it is now better to join with 1.12 clients, as all servers are compatible with a 1.12. Some servers are now full 1.12 with the use of 1.12 blocks. (ie Creative, Skygrid, and Games)

At the same time, we do support 1.11.2 clients that will work everywhere. (except SkyGrid) Additionally, using 1.11.2 in Colour Madness (Games server) may look a little distorted as it utilises 1.12 blocks

So with Colour Madness and its revamp to use the bright colours of 1.12, a slight change to game play has occured. Some evil Admin has included Knockback. As if the game isnt hard enough with running to find your colour, but now other players can knock you off the edge. Edit: The Evil Admin has removed the knockback

So until next time, start using those colours in Creative and hook into our new world of SkyGrid


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