Farewell 1.12 Survival

There comes a time when all great things come to an end. Sadly, the existing Survival world is at that stage. On Monday night, 03 Dec 2018 (Sydney Time), the current survival will be shut down to make way for the new 1.13 Survival.

This should come as no surprise, and it’s been long anticipated. We have been madly working to get everything in order, and we are nearly there. After the current Survival is shut down, it will be offline for several days, to give admins the chance to configure and rollout a brand new, fresh 1.13-based map.  During this time you can build in creative, try out HC1 or HC2, play some MiniGames, or spend some time in Skyblock or Skygrid.

If you haven’t heard about transferring keepsake items, please readย this post, and take action before December 3, 2018.

Don’t forget we still have our 50% discount onย Build Downloads!ย 

It will be sad to see the existing Survival go. The forum post includes some amazing builds and memories from Survival 1.12.  However, many people are looking forward to the opportunity for new discoveries and builds in Survival 1.13.  It will include exciting new terrain, shipwrecks, choral, new mobs, and maybe some new features…. 

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