Hardcore & Other News

Howdy all. Hope everyone had a great Xmas and New Year! It’s been a little quiet for staff the past few weeks with holidays, Xmas and family. But as you may have seen in the last few days, we’ve been ramping up. So here is what’s happening or what has happened.


**IMPORTANT** Add5tar mentioned in Discord (Announcements) about Hardcore being completely reset. Well…This is the most unofficial official of official announcements officially. In other words, it’s very important! This is to say that all journeys must end, and it is time. No not for THE END, or for dragons (sorry Toothless), but it is time nonetheless! Take your screenshots (post them #art) and plan those epic deaths! This very weekend, Sunday 26 Jan 2020 at 10pm servertime, is the end of hardcore 1.14 as we know it!!!! The new arrival of 1.15 blocks is pending our honey do lists and we shall get down to beesniz!

Please note that hardcore will be down until it is UP! Expected down time is unknown. Sooo how will you choose to go out in a blaze of glory (hmm blazes are a nice way to die).


Normally Hardcore is our 1st server to upgrade as this provides a test bed for our many plugins. But someone decided to do things backwards. So now Survival is 1.15. In particular, its 1.15.2 only. No 1.14 clients can join. Yes there are reasons for this… We’d hate for you to obtain a Bee Spawn Egg from /rewards while in 1.14.

Otherwaise not much has changed for Survival, except Bees and sticky honey..

Creative and Comp

Creative and Comp are now 1.15.2. Older versions can join creative, but then you’d miss out on Bees


Good ol Skyblock. Where Add5tar learns about playing MC and ArtfulMelody spends more time in the void. At this stage its still 1.14. But hopefully changes will be coming soon, along with added challenges. So standby on that one.

Other Servers

All other servers are still 1.14, but you can join with 1.15.2 clients. In reality, you wont notice the difference.

On another note, sometimes you may see staff in-game, but very quiet. We’re not being rude. Instead we’re focussing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that’s where we’re up to at the moment. In the mean time, get beesy in survival and plan the ultimate showdown in Hardcore over the next few days. 

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