Server Update News

Howdy all. As mentioned in our last post, we’ve been busy lapping up the sunshine in our jacuzzi’s. (still wishing….) In reality we have been busy replacing and testing new plugins, to replace several of our own maintained plugins. We’ve tried to minimise the change that you players will see, to make it an easy transition.


This was our biggest and hardest change. Our previous chat system was a complicated beast that incorporated so many other features within. The main change you will see is how to change chat channels. At the moment we have /chat games/chat hardcore/chat roleplay, and /chat survival. These commands are toggles whereby you type the command once and you have read/write access to that channel. (whilst still seeing Global chat). Then type it again to leave that channel to be able to write in global.


A new thing we’ve added is a Limbo world. Previously after a set time of being AFK you would be kicked off the server. Now you will teleport to Limbo world, where on your return from making a coffee or answering to a call of nature, you can click the sign to return back to where you were previously.

Will this bring 1.17?

Not straight away. Our focus has been getting the core of the server to a state where it is much easier to update. Not just 1.17, but for future updates. But rest assured, 1.17 will follow not long after.

The remainder of changes will be less noticeable to you, so will not excite you about them.

So when is this happening? Well at this stage we’re not quite sure. The change will require some server downtime. Possibly upto 6hrs. But if everything runs smoothly, maybe 1hr. Either way we will endeavour for it to be as short as possible. There may not be much notice when we do push ahead (ie 30min notice), so we do apologise in advance.

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