Hardcore 1 and 2 Reset

Howdy all. Well its nearly time.. With the core of the server running well, its time to look into Hardcore being reset for 1.17. (Reset = Completely wiped. Disposed of. Disintergrate.)

This Sunday 08 Aug 21 at 1900hrs (7pm) aest (servertime), Hardcore 1 and 2 will go offline as we go through the process to update to 1.17, reset the world, then pre-generate. Downtime is unknown, as it can take a few days to pre-generate the worlds. Over the nest few days leading upto the end of HC 1.16, a few mobs may come visit…

So what’s going to be new in HC1 and 2? Not much except for 1.17 blocks and goats.

As per discussion in Discord, we are also working on HC3. A world of mystery and awe….. But more on that when we’re ready.

As for the rest of the server, we’re slowly updating the other servers. Comp1 (1.17, but can join with 1.16) is currently running (Farm Yard) with some very impressive builds already. The Comp was set up to help iron out any bugs in a few plugins that are essential to other servers. So if you see any problems, please let us know.

Thats it for now. Enjoy the last few days of Hardcore. In particular HC2… Get adventurous.

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